rangifer tarandus caribou造句


  1. The subspecies taxonomic name, " Rangifer tarandus caribou " was defined by Gmelin in 1788.
  2. Since the 1940s the decline of " Rangifer tarandus caribou " range occupancy in Ontario has been recognized.
  3. In North America, wila is particularly important for the northern flying squirrel ( " Glaucomys sabrinus " ) and the woodland caribou ( " Rangifer tarandus caribou " ).
  4. For example, Banfield's 1961 classification of the migratory George River Caribou Herd, in the Ungava region of Quebec, as subspecies " Rangifer tarandus caribou ", woodland caribou, remains although other woodland caribou are mainly sedentary.
  5. According to the then-Canadian Wildlife Service Chief Mammalogist, Frank Banfield, the earliest record of " Rangifer tarandus caribou " in North America, is from a 1.6 million year old tooth found in the Yukon Territory.
  6. It's difficult to find rangifer tarandus caribou in a sentence. 用rangifer tarandus caribou造句挺难的
  7. For example, Banfield's 1961 classification of the migratory George River Caribou Herd, in the Ungava region of Quebec and Labrador, as subspecies " Rangifer tarandus caribou ", woodland caribou, remains although other woodland caribou are mainly sedentary.
  8. In North America, because of its vast range in a wide diversity of ecosystems, the subspecies " Rangifer tarandus caribou " is further distinguished by a number of ecotypes, including boreal woodland caribou, mountain woodland caribou and migratory woodland caribou ).
  9. Fauna characteristic of boreal forests in the area include the vulnerable boreal woodland caribou ( Rangifer tarandus caribou ), cougar ( Puma concolor ), least weasel ( Mustela nivalis ), short-eared owl ( Asio flammeus ), golden eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), and the threatened wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) and beluga whale ( Delphinapterus leucas ).
  10. While the Woodland Caribou, " Rangifer tarandus caribou " ( boreal population ) boreal woodland caribou or " boreal caribou ", which is mainly sedentary, was assessed in May 2002 as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( COSEWIC ), not all herds and populations are endangered, for example, the Gros Morne National Park sedentary population in insular Newfoundland.
  11. The "'migratory woodland caribou "'refer to two herds of caribou, that are included in the migratory woodland ecotype of the subspecies " Rangifer tarandus caribou " or Woodland caribou . that exist in Nunavik, Qu閎ec and Labrador, the Leaf River Caribou Herd ( LRCH ) and the George River caribou herd ( GRCH ), south of Ungava Bay . " Rangifer tarandus caribou " is further divided into three ecotypes :  migratory barren-ground ecotype, the mountain ecotype or woodland ( montane ) and the forest-dwelling ecotype ( boreal caribou ).
  12. The "'migratory woodland caribou "'refer to two herds of caribou, that are included in the migratory woodland ecotype of the subspecies " Rangifer tarandus caribou " or Woodland caribou . that exist in Nunavik, Qu閎ec and Labrador, the Leaf River Caribou Herd ( LRCH ) and the George River caribou herd ( GRCH ), south of Ungava Bay . " Rangifer tarandus caribou " is further divided into three ecotypes :  migratory barren-ground ecotype, the mountain ecotype or woodland ( montane ) and the forest-dwelling ecotype ( boreal caribou ).
  13. Valerius Geist, specialist on large North American mammals, described the " true " woodland caribou as  the uniformly dark, small-manned type with the frontally emphasized, flat-beamed antlers " which is " scattered thinly along the southern rim of North American caribou distribution .  Geist asserts that  the true woodland caribou is very rare, in very great difficulties and requires the most urgent of attention, but suggests that this urgency is compromised by the inclusion of the Newfoundland caribou, the Labrador caribou, and the western Osborn s caribou in the " Rangifer tarandus caribou " subspecies.


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